Hey Loves!
Happy Hump Day! I woke up this morning with so much on my mind and heart and wanted to share some thoughts and insights with you all. This blog is really dedicated to my recently engaged gals. This season of your life will be one of the most amazing, most overwhelming and most worthwhile seasons. You’re preparing to be a wife to this incredible man that you’re head over heels in love with. If you’re anything like I was, you’ve been waiting for this moment to come (my guy took 4 years to realize he wanted to marry me. . .I was ready to run to the alter, lol). But with all of the excitement and anticipation can come a whole lot of stress. A whole lot of unsolicited opinions and. .. a big dent in your bank account.
Having worked with so many brides over the years I kind of understood the emotions they were going through while planning their wedding – but having gone through the process myself I understand my client’s in a completely different way. Take a peek at my 3 pieces of advice as you navigate the planning process.
1. Enjoy the moment – you just got engaged. . .enjoy it! Take a deep breath and just let it sink in that the man of your dreams has just asked you to share life with him. To be by his side until the end of time. Don’t look at your Pinterest board. Put down the wedding magazines and give yourself a minute to just enjoy the moment. Life goes by soooo fast and you’re going to wish you had just taken it all in for a minute. Now, I’m not telling you to hold off planning until the final hour – but give yourself a week or two to just basque in the fact that you’re engaged!
2. Set boundaries – family is amazing! I absolutely adore my parents and I had a really great relationship with my husband’s parents. Wedding planning can do something really intense to family relationships. Be willing to be flexible where you need to be but also set clear and defined boundaries. Remember, this is the day you’ve been dreaming about since you were a little girl playing with your Barbie and Ken dolls. You’ve been going crazy with secret boards on Pinterest and you’ve got plans! Trust me, I get it. Remember that the day is truly about you and your future hubby. Family will have input and they may want to control certain aspects of your day, I encourage you to stay true to yourselves. I’ve had brides become resentful towards family members for overstepping their boundaries. . .you don’t want this to be you. It really all goes back to #1 on my list – enjoy the moment. That includes the planning experience. Make it a truly enjoyable process in your journey towards marriage.
3. Don’t become Bridezilla – no one likes a bridezilla. Your fiance’ loves the you that he proposed to. The you that he chose to spend forever with. Don’t flip things on him once he puts the ring on your pretty little finger. I recognize that planning can become stressful, but never allow the stress to allow you to lose sight of why you’re doing this in the first place. The day my husband proposed to me we prayed together and asked God to always remind us of why we were doing this – not for our own selfish reasons but truly to honor and glorify Him. We prayed that even when things got crazy that He would always allow us to remember the why. Regardless of your spiritual beliefs – always remember why you said yes to your future hubby. Yes, your future mother-in-law may drive you crazy, yes, you are spending a ton of money, yes, your bridesmaids didn’t order the exact color cupcakes you wanted for the bridal shower, but girlfriend take a deep breath, have a cocktail, call your wedding planner and vent to her – don’t drive the people who love and truly care about you crazy.
Okay – so this list could go on and on, but these are really the top 3 things that I learned while planning my very own wedding. You learn so much about yourself and those around you during the planning process. It can get stressful and intense but be present. Enjoy every single moment. I’m telling you it goes by SO fast.
If you need a planner to help you navigate this fun, exciting and sometimes overwhelming process –
Contact Me to schedule a time to chat over coffee, tea or a glass of bubbly!